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新しい学習者の皆さんへ/To new Japanese learners

(Enlish text below)










This is just a message to the new Japanese learners whose mother tongue is a European language, and whom I have taught in the past. I hope you will read this as a support message for those who are learning Japanese from now on.

First of all, I would like to say that the difficulty of a language is relative, and it does not mean that Japanese is the most difficult language for all people on earth. For learners whose mother tongue is Chinese or Korean, Japanese seems to be a less difficult language to learn.

However, if you are a native speaker of a European language, and you have only studied a foreign language that shares the same roots and alphabet, such as English, French, German, Spanish, or Italian, you will encounter a lot of confusion when you study a completely different language like Japanese for the first time.

Please keep in mind that many of the confusions you will face in the future will come from differences between your mother tongue and Japanese, and try to keep an open mind to enjoy these discoveries.

By the way, learning Japanese starts with learning the characters. This is a big difference from learning a foreign language that shares the same alphabet. After learning the 46 basic hiragana characters and their notation, the almost same learning process is repeated with katakana. There are various discoveries and I think it's a fun time.
Alongside this, you should learn greetings and simple grammar such as "X is Y" and "this is/that is". Although it is quite simple, the word order is different, you must add particles, and the vocabulary is not analogous to European languages. There's a lot to learn, but while you're busy, you are going on a fall vacation in Europe.

Around the fall vacation, you might learn verbs and their conjugations, and more particles will need to be learned. After the vacation, adjectives will also appear. In Japanese, adjectives are conjugated just like verbs. You'll have to learn those as well. And finally, you can enter kanji.
Unfortunately, by this time, some of you will no longer have time to enjoy the discovery and will stop learning.

Japanese has a lot to learn in terms of grammar and is very different, so unless you are a native speaker of Chinese or Korean, your knowledge of your native language will be of little use. Many of you may not have experienced this level of difficulty in learning a foreign language before.

If you feel that you are not learning as much as you expected and that there is too much work to be done, quitting may be an option. However, when it gets hard, please remember why you decided to study Japanese. Was it to become an interpreter? Was it to find a job in Japan? To communicate in Japanese with your partner's family in Japan?

Probably, not many students come to my class with such practical purposes. Most of them have come with some kind of "love!" related to Japan.

I love Japanese anime. I love Japanese food. I love Japanese whiskey. I love my Japanese partner. I'm interested in Japanese culture.

I always enter the classroom with the hope that I can help people keep those "loves" in their minds, which they tend to forget amid the hardship.



カタカナを舐めてはいけない!/Don’t make light of katakana!

(Enlish text below) 2021-22年度は久しぶりに一年生に文法を教えることになりそうです。ひらがな・カタカナもゼロから教えることになります。 カタカナ・・・簡単ではないですね。 恐らく、一般の日本語学習者の頭の中では日本語の文字の難易度は以下のようになっているのではないでしょうか。       ひらがな<<カタカナ<<<<<<<<漢字 学ぶ順番も大抵上記の通りです。ひらがな清音46文字に加え、濁音・半濁音・拗音を学んで一息ついたところ、難易度の高い漢字の前段階にあるカタカナはとかく軽く見られがちのように感じます。実際、オノマトペはともかく、カタカナ単語は外来語の日本語表記であり、意味と原語での発音を知っているので、そんなに難しいとは思わない人が多いようです。 しかし、カタカナ、本当にそんなに簡単ですか? 個人的には外国語の発音をそのままカタカナで表記することはほぼできないと思っています。仕方なくかなり強引にアレンジし、時には、原語の音とは全く別物の表記になってしまうものもあります。パソコンや「サボる」など、原語にはない略語、ホッチキスやチャックといった和製カタカナ単語もあります。多くの学習者が最初につまづく次のカタカナ単語、意味がわかりますか? *矢印の後ろをハイライトにすると答えが見えます。       ローマ   → Rome       コーヒー    → coffee       ヨーグルト    → yoghurt       デジカメ    → digital camera       ズボン    → pants 原語の発音からカタカナ表記をする包括的なルールは私は見たことがないです。従って、外国人の日本語学習者が何かの法則に従い、原語からカタカナ表記を想像することもほぼ不可能だと思います。では、日本人はどのようにカタカナ表記を身につけるのか? 通常、日本では小学校一年生修了までにカタカナを習得し、基礎単語を書く練習も結構させられます。小学校の三年生以後になると漢字学習が増えてくるので、特にカタカナを書く練習というのはしないと思います。結局、 勉強や日常生活の中で多くのカタカナに触れることで、自然に覚えてゆく といった感じになっているのではないでしょうか。この点は生活者では

ゲームを使って文法解説/Explanation of grammar using pc games

  文法解説をなんとか実践的かつ楽しくできないかと、ゲームを使いながら説明したりしてるんですが・・・。どうなんでしょうね。 いろんな企画を考えてみたいと思います。その前にPlay Station 5を買わないといけないんですが、一体どこに売ってるんでしょうか。 I've been trying to explain grammar in a practical and fun way by using PC games.....  What do you think?   I would like to think a lot of planning. However, I have to buy a PlayStation 5 before that, and where can I get it?